We Stole the Fire

An ancient flame, thousands of years old, has been stolen from the Gods. The guardians of the flame are put on alert. A game of chase ensues. Ella robo el sol. (She stole the sun). We were tasked to create a video and brand campaign that gives definitive shape to the Mezcal El Silencio Universe. We worked closely with our partners at MES, to concept and direct a short film that would tie the legend together. We oversaw all aspects of production, designed a series of posters for the many wild postings seen in Los Angeles, and created social media assets to support the online experience.

Concept, Live Action, Direction, Design, Brand Campaign

Client: Mezcal El Silencio
Executive Producer: Vicente Cisneros
Director of Photography: Alan Caudillo
Producer: Fidel Arizmendi
Stylist: Elias Lopez
Photographer: Julian Burgueno
Director / Designer: Kenneth Kegley
Creative Director: Rachel Ma
Editor: Volkert Besseling
Colorist: Luis Silva
Sound Design / Music: Zelig Sound
Animator: Noah Rappaport
Storyboard Artist: Dakota Warren
Talent: Terra (TJ) Lynne, VJ Kesh, Elias Lopez, Sean Behr, Cielo Garcia